Thursday, October 10, 2024
HomeHealth and FitnessWhat Are Same-Day Dental Implants?

What Are Same-Day Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer a great solution to tooth loss through the replacement of tooth roots. While these implants can be permanent or removable, they allow you to have improved self-esteem, comfort, and an improved appearance. There are several options available if you seek these replacements, and one of the most convenient options is getting same-day dental implants.

As per the name, same-day dental implants are implants that you get on the same day you get your bad tooth removed. They offer an immediate replacement solution allowing you to get functional solid teeth when you visit the dentist. Although they provide a quick solution, they may not be suitable for everybody.

[PS: We also have articles on Surprising Facts about Dental Implants & What Is Better? Invisalign or Braces? You should read them too.]

Are They Right for you?

Not everyone who needs this procedure conducted is a qualified candidate for same-day dental implants. According to dental physicians, an ideal patient should be overall healthy. You should not be in pain or suffering from cavities; otherwise, you should get these treated first. Individuals who have good oral habits also make good candidates for same-day dental implants.

If you have cavities, several tooth extractions, and or bone loss, it may not be possible to undergo this procedure. Excessive teeth grinding is also likely to disqualify you from undergoing this procedure. It is also vital that you are not suffering from any conditions that are likely to affect the healing of the bones.

Types of Same Day Dental Implants

Depending on the nature of the implant required or the dentist’s advice, the individual benefits, and setbacks, there are several types of done-in-one implants you can undertake. Some of these implants include:

a. Immediate Load Implants (ILIs)

The immediate load implants are same-day dental implants that combine dental bridges supported by single implants. The procedure allows you to get one or more temporary teeth the same day you get the implants. This dental implant option is highly recommended if you have a strong jaw that can sustain the pressure that comes with a new tooth placement. If your treatment requires expansion of the ridge or augmentation of the bone, this procedure may take additional time before you get the new implants.

b. All-On-4

This single-day dental implant, also known as the full arch, is used in scenarios where an individual lacks all top or lower teeth. Using only four implants placed in precise positions on the top or lower jaw, you can get an implant for all the teeth. The implant easily fuses with the bones because it is made of titanium, becoming a bone part. The fusion of the titanium and the bone also prevents any further jaw bone loss.

c. Mini Dental Implants (MDIs)

This same-day dental implant is considered less invasive than other procedures, although it has a higher rate of failure than the other implants. Referred to as a narrow diameter implant, it entails using implants that are the size of a toothpick and narrower than any other dental implant rod. Physicians mostly recommend this dental implant in cases where an individual cannot get a full implant due to excessive bone loss.

The procedure of Getting Same Day Dental Implants

If you qualify for the same-day dental implant, the procedure will likely take you between 30 minutes and 3 hours to complete. Depending on the teeth being implanted and the jaw’s health, the procedure may take a longer time.

Just like other dental procedures, the healing of same-day dental implants may take some time. The jaw and gums do not heal immediately, and you may have to get temporary teeth on the appointment day. Once you have undergone healing after the appointment, you get a set of permanent teeth.

Pros of Same Day Dental Implants

• Immediate results within the first visit

• More affordable in comparison to traditional implants

• It is time-saving

• Cases of hot and cold sensitivity are eliminated

• Easy bone and implant fusion

• Protection of the healing socket from bacterial infection

• Faster healing process

• It is less disruptive to the tissues and surrounding bone

Cons of Same Day Dental Implants

• Increased marginal bone loss leading to implant failure

• Higher chances of discomfort after the procedure

• Enhanced risk of infection

• You will have to stop smoking


It is important to take precautions before undergoing same-day dental implants. Pay a visit to your dentist and enquire whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. If you are a qualified candidate, consider taking care of the implants accordingly for better oral health.



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