Friday, March 28, 2025
HomeFoodKeto Drinks That You Can Consider While Being On Keto Diet

Keto Drinks That You Can Consider While Being On Keto Diet

If you are on a keto diet and want something to quench your thirst, then I am listing here the multiple keto drinks that you should keep in mind while still following the diet.

Let’s begin!

What are my options for a keto drink?

See the most basic and hassle-free keto drink that you can have is WATER. If you want, you can also have sparkling water or just drink flat water. It does not have any carbs, so it won’t spoil your low-carb diet and there is no doubt that this is the best thirst-quencher out there.

Few other keto drinks include –

  • Tea (without sugar, as one tsp is 4g of carbs)
  • Coffee (without sugar)
  • Wine, but occasionally.


The drinks which have green numbers written on them are considered as good options that you can have as a keto drink. However, on some drinks, you might find an asterisk sign which means it contains special caveats.

Look for the size

Always remember that if you want to be consistent in your keto diet, AVOID SUGARY DRINKS. Having said that if you are craving for one, always consider opting for a small Can over a big bottle. That’s because if you drink a small Can, you will break your keto diet for just a day but with a bottle, you will spoil it for a weak.

Diabetics should completely stay away from sugar to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.

Are diet sodas a good option for a keto drink? 

If you have been drinking diet sodas and thinking that you are choosing a healthier alternative, then I am sorry to say that you are wrong. For the past forty years, diet sodas have been using amazing marketing strategies to promote their drinks and fooling their customers.

Refined stevia, Aspartame, acesulfame K, sucralose are some of the artificial sweeteners that are added to these drinks to make them sugar-free, yet filled with ingredients that are ready to spike your blood sugar level.

Problems with diet sodas

– They hit the same taste bud sensors, leading to a lack of understanding for natural flavors.

– You still feel the cravings for something sweet

– You tend to get higher BMI and more chances of cardiovascular disease.

– Studies have shown the consumption of these drinks over a long period may make alterations in metabolism, appetite, microbiome, and brain

– In 2017 a research revealed that some of the researches that give positive results about diet sodas are funded by the diet industries themselves and hence are biased.

So basically, irrespective of diet or no diet, just ditch that sugary drink out of your diet and you will get amazing health and your dream waistline.

Also Read:

How To Get Into Ketosis On A Keto Diet?

Why Does Ketosis Cause Stomach Pain?



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