If you are looking for a website/blog having the option of “Write for Us Guest Post”, you have landed on the right page.
Yes, we accept guest posts on our website and you can also be a contributor to our blog content with a link to your own website from within the content you submit for the guest post. [Check out our updated traffic report]
Such guest post links work as great contextual backlinks and possess a high potential to boost search engine rankings.
In addition to possessing good SEO metrics, our website (GuideByTips.com) is also ranking on Google Search Results for many keywords with good monthly search volumes.
Generally, we approve the submitted guest post very quickly if the submitted content is of good quality and meets the guidelines provided below.
We also consider sharing the published guest posts on our social pages or channels (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc) whenever we have sufficient time for that.
Write For Us – Guidelines & Terms
- We accept minimum 500 words content from guest post contributors. But there is no upper limit. You can go as high as you want in terms of the word count of the content you are intending to submit for your guest post.
- In a guest post of less than 800 words, you can provide only 1 link to your website. But if the content length is 800 words or longer than that, we allow up to 2 links.
- The content of the guest post must be originally written with high quality and no plagiarism. There must be no grammatical error. We don’t accept the content which is of poor quality or doesn’t pass Copyscape plag check.
- SEO-friendly contents are preferable.
- If you provide image/images in your guest post content, make sure that the images are from the websites like Pixabay, Pexels, etc, which offer copyright-free images. If you don’t provide any image/images, we will try to use a relevant copyright-free image from our end, if found suitable.
- We will have the right to edit the published guest post anytime in future if required.
- We don’t accept guest posts in any of the following niches – gambling, adult material, casinos, essay/assignment writing, smoking, alcohol, CBD, drugs, medicine recommendations, and other similar topics. We don’t even accept any other illegal topic. The same rule applies for the links that you will provide in your submitted content. That link also should not be redirected to a website or page that falls under any of the above-mentioned prohibited categories/niches. If, anytime in future also, the link is found to be redirected to any such site or page, we will remove the link without any prior notice.
- If anytime in the future, your link is found to be broken or the page to which it is redirected is showing 404 error or any other error, we will remove the link for the sake of offering a good user experience to our readers.
You can submit a guest post in any of the following categories:
- Health & Fitness
- Technology
- Beauty
- Fashion
- Business
- Education
- Arts & Entertainment
- Food
- Lifestyle
- Marketing
- Relationship
- Self Improvement
- Digital Marketing
- Construction & Manufacturing
- Travel
- Home Improvement
- Home and Kitchen Appliances
- Finance
- Loan and Insurance
- Web Design and Development
- Career and Employment
- General
Write For Us Guest Post
Generally, people search for any of the following terms when they are intending to submit a guest post:
- Write For Us Health
- Technology Write For Us
- Seo Write For Us
- Write For Us Lifestyle
- Write For Us Fashion
- Education Blogs Write For Us
- Write For Us Entertainment
- Write For Us Marketing
- Home Decor Ideas Write For Us
- Write For Us Travel
- Write For Us Business
- Artificial Intelligence Write For Us
- Write For Us Relationship
- WordPress Write For Us
If you are also willing to submit your guest post in any of the above-mentioned categories, you have landed on the right website. That’s because we have a dedicated post category on our website for each of the above-mentioned niches.
Generally, we instantly review each and every guest post request sent to us. But sometimes, due to our busy schedule, we may take some time to review it.
So kindly keep patience…
How to Submit The Guest Post?
To send the request for a guest post on GuideByTips, you will have to send us an email with a subject line as “Guest Post on GuideByTips.com”.
For the required contact email address and other details, you can check out our contact page.
In the mail body, also, mention the topic of your article and also the URL of the website or page to which you are willing to provide a link from within the content.
Also, suggest at least 1 or 2 relevant categories in which your content can be posted on our website. We will review your request as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!!